Sunday, January 25, 2009

TAGGED!! - - just so I don't "make a liar" out of Donell...

Six names you go by:
1. Jam
2. Smith-Dicks (at work)
3. Gub (Ryans nickname for me, I have no idea why...)
4. Jamie Flower (Jason's Nickname for me, I had an old boyfriend call me that and he has NEVER let me forget it!)
5. Jiame (my Mexican sounding name)
6. mama (shaylee's name for me :) )

Three things you are wearing right now:
1. My scrub pj pants, I have loved them since high school and refuse to give them up! Even though it would make Ryan's year...
2. UofU shirt
3. ummm....I'm just in my pj's at 3:30 on Sunday.

Two things you want very badly at the moment:
1. Shaylee to sleep another hour so that I can finish my laundry
2. Flying J to stay in business!

Three of your favorite things that you did last night:
1. Went out to dinner with Ryan and Shaylee
2. Went to Lowes looking for Area rugs, a big date night for us! HA!
3. Watched a movie and had our regular three Popsicles we have every night...we keep the popsicle companies in business.

Things you ate today:
1. Quesadilla
2. Total cereal...not sure why I bought an old person cereal.
3. Sweet potato chips

Two people you last talked to on the phone:
1. Ryan
2. Mom

Six things you are going to do tomorrow:
1. Go to work
2. Clean the house
3. Play with Shaylee
4. Make dinner
5. Watch something off the DVR
6. Have three Popsicles

Three Favorite Beverages:
1. Water, I've never been a pop person
2. Coffee
3. Peppermint Tea

Five things you are grateful for today:
1. My cute daughter, she makes my whole world
2. My husband, he is a one of a kind guy
3. My dog Max, he makes me feel good.
3. Our jobs
4. Our new bathroom, Ryan did such a great job
5. Our family and friends :)


Darci Morgan said...

I just filled out my TAGGED also!! I didn't want to make a liar out of Donell either....haha!!

Alicia said...

Oh thanks guys, now I have to do it!

Anonymous said...

So cute thanks for being a good sport!

aShLie JaNe said...

Cute. I love to see what everyone is doing. :)